This summer we went to the US Open. We’ve been watching tennis for the last several years but I’ve never really thought about why I enjoyed watching it so much. It’s easy to just accept that they are amazing athletes—they are—but that never seemed to explain why I would watch it like I would my favorite movie. This summer it hit me; it’s the waves of confidence they have to manage during a match. Outside of doubles, the players are basically on their own; one bad shot can set the tone for the next game, one great shot could lead to a win. I think we see this in the tech industry all the time.
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Github is interesting to me because I think it’s a social network. It’s a social network for coders and we don’t really use it for that. One could argue that the comments and community that grows around an open source repository is people using it as a social network. I tend to agree with that. There are still a lot of cases where it’s treated like a replacement for a centralized source control system and that’s where it ends.
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I don’t remember where, or when; but I heard someone recently say “we are in the wild west of iPhone Apps”. Is this really true?
Yesterday, I attended the local iPhone Developer meetup (maybe that is where I heard it). The topic was iPhone App Marketing and featured some great presentations on where to go to spread the word, and what to say. It all goes back to one principle: Start with a great App, then communicate it well.
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