Just Say It

During a recent interview with Marcus Zarra on the CocoaConf Podcast, Marcus made a quick little comment that really resonated with me. To paraphrase, Marcus said something like “If you ask for opinions about something to a room of developers, you don’t get much of a response. If you just say something wrong they’ll tell you about it.” It’s an interesting point. People do love to correct you when you say something wrong or even something not 100% correct.

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→ The Github Way on iDeveloper TV Podcast

Episode 61 of iDeveloper podcast has guest star Danny Greg from Github. Aside from reavealing he didn’t know who James Earl Jones was, he discussed how Github gets work done.

He mentioned that their whole environment is built on being asynchronous. Meaning that everything is driven off of web-based communications and no meetings. They also have no deadlines, and focus on shipping. They ship like crazy. The Mac app is shipped several times a week and the web app is deployed much much more.

My take away was that I really want to get our continuous integration server up and running. Maybe even attempt to use hubot like Github does. Being able to say hubot deploy [project] seems pretty awesome. I don’t know how to implement an async environment when doing client work, so I think focusing on automating as much as possible is a good start.