2023: Entertainment Year in Review

I almost forgot to blog this year! It’s now the last minute—9pm on December 31—and the only thing I could think of was to write was a sort of ‘Year in Review’ of the movies, TV, and music I’ve enjoyed this year. It is something I’ve wanted to do before anyway, so why not start the tradition? So if you’ll indulge me here are a few interesting movies, shows, and songs I was entertained by in 2023.


Well this certainly wasn’t my most busy year watching Movies. I think I watched a lot of TV instead. Still, I was able to watch 52 movies—a few even in Italian.


I rewatched a lot, including going through all the Star Trek films (“Hello, Computer”), rewatching all the Indiana Jones movies, and a bunch of classic movies over Christmas break. Some stand out highlights for me this year were:


TV was much more exciting of a year for me. I’ve struggled to remember everything I watched that was really good—probably forgetting something. I wish I kept up with TV like I do movies so I don’t have a cool image like I get from Letterboxd. Still, some notable highlights:


As you may have guessed I mostly listened to Italian music this year. In fact here’s a playlist of all my favorites. Some songs I sing along with and get stuck in my head have been:

Well, that’s a year. I expect next year will be mostly the same, just more Italian and maybe more films.