10 years of jnjosh.com

I just realized that I’ve owned jnjosh.com for 10 years now. For the first couple years I tried to make it a blog about all my stuff from filmmaking to app development. Then it just became that thing I kind of updated now and then. It’s a constant struggle where I don’t write for awhile, then really want to write so I “reboot” it. I think my best year was 2012, It wasn’t consistent through the year, but I seemed to share quite a lot that year.

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I signed up for YouTube Red a few months ago because I was really frustrated with ads during videos. Now whenever I go to another site and see a video ad, I feel like something is broken. Business Idea: A monthly payment to remove yourself from ALL ads on the internet.

One of the goals of relaunching CocoaHeads.tv was to make it easy for other organizers to contribute. Last week @zorn from Philadelphia CocoaHeads posted 3 new videos and they are great.

To all you new micro-bloggers, if you are looking to host your micro-blog and want to use hugo, I’ve built a theme that supports it. Check it out here: https://github.com/jnjosh/internet-weblog.

These microposts are now also available on micro.blog/jnjosh. I haven’t quite figured out how I’ll publish to this remotely yet but I’m thinking about moving back to an automated build.

Yesterday I blogged about TODO lists not living up to my expectations. I should have been more clear but didn’t realize it to later. It’s not any of the apps themselves that have the problem. It’s me. I’m the problem. Present-Josh doesn’t care what Past-Josh thinks is important and just ignores it. Anyway, I found a new one I’m trying that at least provides the one-thing-at-a-time point of view that I’d like to have. It’s called Doo.

Where I rant about TODO lists falling short

TODO lists never seem to work for me. I’ve tried most of them from OmniFocus to the Bullet Journal to scheduling every moment of every day on a calendar. Between my work at BA3, side projects, CocoaHeads and CocoaHeads.tv, and just normal home tasks; I struggle with this daily. This afternoon I decided to try another brand of TODO list, Remember the Milk and I think I realized why I don’t stick with it.

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Relaunching CocoaHeads.TV

In 2012 I launched CocoaHeads.TV as a site that could aggregate CocoaHeads videos from around the world. We had some really great success and people from Australia, China, France, Germany, and many groups in the US started submitting videos. Unfortunately, I didn’t build it to make it easy to submit and I became the bottle neck to adding new videos. No more! I’ve relaunched CocoaHeads.TV with a redesign and I’ll be asking for CocoaHeads organizers to join the site and post their videos.

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CocoaHeads started up again this week with a talk by Ameir Al-Zoubi about NSDate and related concepts and a talk by Rob Napier about applying lessons from functional programming to Swift. Both talks were really great and we had a pretty well attended meeting. If you didn’t make it, stay tuned to http://cocoaheads.tv for the videos!

I’m spinning up on a small new project and, well I have to say it, I miss having Parse available as a service. Thankfully it’s open-sourced so maybe I should use it to develop this idea. I looked into Firebase, but it doesn’t fit my mental model of what I need. I could go to AWS but that’s serious overkill. Okay, I just microblog-convinced myself to use open-sourced Parse. I mean it’s a small dataset without a user concept so it should be pretty easy to move later.